I saw the Lekue bread maker mentioned in a Facebook group and decided I should try it out for quick and easy mixing, baking and clean up. In addition, its size was ideal for making enough bread for one person for a few days. It has been on my Amazon wish list for quite some time and my daughter (begrudgingly) decided to get it for me as a Christmas gift.
I must say the included recipes are not all that appetizing and on my first try I didn’t care for the result, though even bread that isn’t looking perfect still usually tastes good. Even the images in the included recipe booklet didn’t look very appetizing. This was made with the included whole grain bread recipe. Taste good, but didn’t look so great.

A few days later I decided to try halving one of my tried and true bread recipes and voila excellent result! Nice crust and soft chewy inside. Best yet, it is only one bowl to clean. I have to find other recipes that work well in this bread maker.