Chocolate Lava Cake with Vanilla Chip Ice Cream
One of the downsides to being able to bake well, is having to eat what you’ve made. I try to always have “testers” around to eat my creations, or I simply take them to work after I’ve had my taste. My expanding waistline didn’t need that kind of temptation.
One of my favorite deserts is chocolate lava cake, really any variation of it. Hot chocolate cake served with cold ice cream is a very nice combination. After having this at Applebee’s on many occasions (more than I am willing to admit), I decided to try making it at home. Big mistake. I never made it again.
These came out perfect the 1st time out. The recipe yielded six cakes. It was sooooo good I ate two at once. Having homemade vanilla chip ice cream in my freezer didn’t help matters any. Yes, I make ice cream too. I’ll talk about that some other time. That night I got in my car, drove to a friend’s house and promptly handed the remainder over. I had envisioned a long night of me trying to talk myself out of eating another one, with more ice cream, and failing miserably.
For those eager to join me in my misery, here is the link to the recipe I used. I omitted the raspberries.